Hey everyone, it's always cool to hear about how INSPIRE Training has impacted someone's life, isn't it? Well, today, we're putting the spotlight on Cain. He's got a pretty relatable story, going from uncertainty about his future in school to totally digging the INSPIRE life. Stick around to see how this all unfolded for him!
"I joined INSPIRE because in school I had no idea what I wanted to do afterwards. However, when I was in Year 11, my career adviser told me about INSPIRE. At first, I was hesitant, but she explained how the programme could help me find a job and point me in the right direction. So, I decided to join.
A couple of months later, I was there on the first day. I felt nervous but excited. Knowing some people there calmed my nerves. They told me that next Monday, we'd be going airsofting. From then on, things got much better, and I felt more welcomed. I didn’t like the school environment; it felt restrictive. For instance, I had to ask to go to the toilet and only had short breaks, making me feel claustrophobic even though I'm not.
We attend various courses like first aid, mental health, and employment. We also get placements for work experience in places that interest us. Even when we don’t want to exercise, Nik pushes us to keep going, which I appreciate. Thanks to him, I've taken up boxing at Angelo's gym and feel much better about myself. My younger brother has now joined as well."
So there it is, Cain's adventure with us at INSPIRE. From feeling boxed in at school to finding his groove (and some cool new skills) here, it's been quite the transformation. With courses, placements, and even some boxing action, Cain's not just found a programme; he's found a community. And hey, it's not just him — his little bro's hopped on board too! That's what INSPIRE’s all about: finding your way while having some mates along for the ride. Cheers to Cain and the whole INSPIRE crew!